Saturday, 24 November 2007

Readers Digest Christmas Tree

Ok, as promised, some Christmas goodies ... let me know if you try any of these things out :-)

Readers Digest Christmas Tree
Original Source: Bonnie Sedore

•Readers Digest magazine
•Spray paint( green, gold, or silver)

Remove both covers from magazine.
Take the upper right hand corner of the first page & bring it down so that the top edge of the page rest against the glued binding of the magazine.
Now crease this first fold, carefully.
Again take this page &fold it over until the crease rests against the glued binding of the magazine.
Crease second fold.
Finally fold the triangle (that overlaps the bottom of the magazine) upward so it will be even with the bottom of the book, crease it.
The first page is finished continue folding & creasing the remaining pages.
When the magazine is completely folded glue the front & back pages together. Paint tree, add glitter while wet add star to top.

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